A framework for collaborative work

Communities of collaborating agents.

Flexibility and mobility characterise the post-pandemic workplace.

Nouvau is helping remould our approach to work.

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Match function to competence

Through a meticulously designed framework, Nouvau enables a dynamic market for complex services. Nouvau's market structure distributes risks and responsibilities to those best able to handle them. The fluidity baked into the system makes it possible to put together the perfect team for each task, while Nouvau's performance metrics help optimise team function and composition in the quest for an outperforming team.
Adopting Nouvau

Nouvau's governance principles and guarantees promote trust in complex projects.


Expand with agility.

Access deep talent pools on demand + Draw on established teams.


Align incentives.

Use Nouvau to switch to performance-based compensation.


Monetise latent capacity

Lend your resources to outside projects in the short term.


Take control.

Offer your skills on an open market. Take ownership of your projects.


Assemble your dream team.

Establish your team as experts in a field and offer services at negligible cost.


Get certified

Attract trust by getting certified and guaranteed for the services you provide.